Q: What is SCOUT Kiosk Mode?
A: SCOUT Kiosk Mode allows Enterprise Admins to customize the Launcher on Sonim devices for maximum employee productivity. It helps in optimizing device screens, keeping things simple for device users and allowing access to only those apps which are work or productivity-related. It also gives flexibility to the admin to customize look, feel and access to any and all applications.
Q: How does Kiosk Mode work?
A: Kiosk can only be configured via Sonim CLOUD. If no Kiosk profile is assigned to the device in Sonim CLOUD, a message will appear in the Kiosk Mode element under the Setup tab -> “Please visit https://www.sonimcloud.com to create a Kiosk Mode profile”.
Q: Which devices support Kiosk mode?
A: Kiosk feature is available for XP3, XP5s and XP8 devices.
Q: How do I setup a Kiosk resource on Sonim CLOUD?
A: Kiosk CLOUD resource has the following mandatory fields
- Name: Provide a name that would uniquely identify Kiosk resource profile to be applied on Sonim devices.
- Mode: Choose ‘Work Mode’ will be the default option for now. We will be adding additional modes in the future.
- Kiosk Mode Exit PIN: 4 to 8 digit PIN used to exit Kiosk Mode on the device and return to the standard Launcher.
- Notifications: Choose one of the two options ‘Show All’ or ‘Show None’ to either have All notifications displayed or have notifications supressed on the device while in Kiosk mode
- Kiosk Device Label: Choose a device identifier from MDN (mobile device number), IMEI, Device name or a Custom text
- MDN will be the number set in the Device information in Sonim CLOUD
- Device name is the name given to the Device in Sonim CLOUD
- Custom text will be the same on every device
While the other fields are not marked mandatory, it’s crucial to select at least one application to be placed in Kiosk mode.
- Whitelist Standard Applications: Choose from 70+ standard applications listed. Applications which are for specific devices and/or carriers are noted accordingly. Those which have nothing specified are applicable for all devices
- Whitelist PTT Applications: Choose from 10+ listed carrier-specific PTT Applications
- Custom Package Names: If any application other than those standard applications or PTT applications needs to be whitelisted in Kiosk mode, then specify an app’s package name. If more than one package name needs to be listed, use comma separated values
- If you are unsure of the application’s package name, you should check with the vendor of the application. One other way to check an application’s package name is to search for the application on the Google Play Store and check the URL. The text after the “id=” will be the package name, usually beginning with “com.”. For example, the URL for Sonim SCOUT is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonim.scout, so the package name would be “com.sonim.scout”.
- Always On Status: Use the check box to select if Kiosk Mode must be time bound or always ON
- If time bound, specify the start and end time in 12-hour AM|PM format of each day of when Kiosk Mode should be turned ON and turned OFF
- Emergency Call: If enabled, Emergency Call option will be listed on Kiosk screen.
- When enabled, use one click option to start emergency call without a confirmation dialog. By unchecking the “One-click” box, the User will be required to confirm that they want to make an emergency call when they select the button on the Kiosk. This may help prevent accidental emergency calls.
Q: What does it mean for an application to be whitelisted on Kiosk mode?
A: Admins can choose specific apps to be listed on the Kiosk launcher. All such apps that are accessible on the device while in Kiosk mode are referred to as whitelisted apps.
Q: I would like to provide a unique custom device label for each of my devices. How do I set it up on CLOUD?
A: Currently, there is no provision to specify unique custom device label for each