Q: What is SafeGuard?

A: With SafeGuard, administrators can block usage of selected Apps and features behind a PIN, ensuring only those critical to job related functions and cost requirements are used.

  • Hide or block selected device Apps and features via administrator PIN
  • PIN set via device or Sonim Cloud
  • Intuitive User Interface enables admin to quickly and easily
    “SafeGuard” appropriate Apps and features


Q: How is SafeGuard feature accessed?

A: SafeGuard feature can be accessed from Sonim SCOUT > Setup > SafeGuard.


Q: How can I make sure I’m always using the latest version of SafeGuard?

A: SafeGuard can be updated via App Updater for XP3 and XP5s devices (SCOUT > Setup > App Updater > Check for updates). Use the Google Play™ store to update the application on XP8 by searching for “Sonim SafeGuard”.


Q: How can SafeGuard be activated? What is SafeGuard activation?

A: SafeGuard controls and settings are not applicable and accessible until SafeGuard activation is turned ON. Turn ON or Turn OFF SafeGuard using Activation toggle Sonim SCOUT > Setup tab > SafeGuard > Activation.


Q: What can I SafeGuard on the device?

A: You can SafeGuard any installed application and many system features on the device.


Q: Which system features can be SafeGuarded on the device?

A:  Following system features can be SafeGuarded

  1. Modify Contacts
  2. Call Blocking
  3. Factory Reset
  4. Bluetooth Restriction
  5. USB Restriction
  6. Wi-Fi Restriction
  7. Tethering and Portable Hotspot
  8. Location
  9. Security


Q: Why does the PIN prompt show up when trying to access Activation toggle?

A: SafeGuard PIN has a level of authentication to ensure Admin or anyone with right privileges is activating SafeGuard feature.


Q: What is the default SafeGuard PIN?

A: The default SafeGuard PIN is 1234.


Q: How is the Activation PIN set or changed?

A: Activation PIN can be in the SafeGuard UI using the Change PIN option or it can be set via Sonim CLOUD.


Q: Can SafeGuard configuration be applied from CLOUD?

A: Yes, use SafeGuard CLOUD resource with the following mandatory fields

  • Name: Provide a name that would uniquely identify the SafeGuard resource profile to be applied on Sonim devices.
  • PIN: 4 to 8 digit PIN used to restrict/access phone applications and features.

Here are other non-mandatory fields

  • Whitelist Standard Applications: Choose from 70+ standard applications listed. Applications which are for specific devices and/or carriers are noted accordingly. Those which have nothing specified are applicable for all devices.
  • Whitelist PTT Applications: Choose from 10+ listed carrier-specific PTT Applications.
  • Custom Package Names: If any application other than those standard applications or PTT applications needs to be SafeGuarded, then specify the app’s package name. If more than one package name needs to be listed, use comma separated values.


Q: What is Application PIN Timeout?

A: SafeGuard has three timeout options. If a SafeGuardeded application is pushed to the background, the time set in the Application PIN Timeout is how long SafeGuard won’t be applied when bringing that app back to the foreground.  For example, if you choose 30 seconds, you have 30 seconds from the time the SafeGuadrded application is closed or pushed to the background to return t